Milepost 5 is a local arts community in Portland, OR. Below is a series of photos from a gallery show they held back in 2008, when they were just getting started. This was back in the glory days, when Gavin Shettler was still behind the scenes there, after his retirement from the Portland Art Center.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the event note on this one so I can’t name all the artists. The site of the exhibition was a large multi-story studio space, where many artists had their own room and there were dozens of artists exhibiting that night. I was only able to capture a few but this series of images shows a nice cross section of some of my favorites.
There were lots of special gems that evening. Most notably, for me, were the exhibitions by both Dan Cohen (DC Creative Labs) and Todd Kurtzman (Todji), who each had their own rooms to fill with great work. Hope you enjoy this little gallery-walk back in time…
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